MKL Business Opportunity, Business Funding & Business Coaching IDEAS

If you are a Buyer or a Seller, this is a Forum for people like you who have questions or comments about the selling or purchasing of a business regardless of how small or how large... from a sole proprietor to a corporation.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Business Owner Needs Cash Flow and doesn't know what to do...

A soft goods business is growing and to keep up with sales the owner of this business needs to purchase more and more raw materials to keep up with the demand for the products they have sold... although having orders is a Good Problem to have, this need for more cash in the business is a frustrating cycle for many people caught in this situation. Many people think they can just go to the bank and borrow the money but banks are what is called Asset Based Lenders and they want collateral to make a loan... collateral is real estate, etc. A bank will also take some time to make a decision and time is the enemy to an order which has a specific shipping date which this soft goods business has. So what are the options? Well, I am working with business this business owner on what is called an Unsecured Business Line of Credit which is basically a credit line issued to owners of businesses that they can use, if needed, at their option... these credit lines have just a few parameters and are simple to apply for... they do not require Financial Documents like tax returns and they are Stated Income credit lines for between $100,000 to $400,000 which can be in place in a matter of 10 to 14 days. These credit lines are from traditional lenders and the interest rates which are paid are on the amount of money used from the credit line only and this interest rate will depend on the borrowers credit... typically the range is from prime + 1 to prime + 4. This Unsecured Business Line of Credit is another alternative for owners of businesses like this soft goods business that gives the owner the cash needed and allows the owner to keep up with their growing business needs.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Thursday 03/13/2008

Just another day in the Business Opportunity, Business Funding, Business Coaching arena where things are never as easy as they look... Have a Seller who is being unreasonable about disclosing details of his business to a qualified ready and willing Buyer... so this deal does not look like it will happen... we just keep moving forward. Trying to get Sellers to understand the concerns of Buyers is very trying but I do and I try to put the Seller in the Buyers position... sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't... but the goal is to have a Buyer who is successful and happy and that sometimes means deals do not happen.